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What is Indian Head Massage? |
Indian Head Massage is a technique of manipulating soft tissues in the scalp, shoulders, neck and upper arms. There is an integral relationship between these four areas and by incorporating them within a single therapy; it becomes a stress management treatment, which initiates a de-stressing programme for the whole body and stimulates the benefits below. The therapist uses a range of different massage pressures and rhythms to stimulate the head, neck and related areas. The combination of techniques used stimulates arterial circulation, increases venous and lymphatic flow and aids muscular and nervous systems. Through this stress is reduced, a feeling of euphoria can be induced, it frees knots of muscular tension, relaxes connective tissue, stimulates the skin and underlying nerve endings and aids in the elimination of accumulated toxins and waste products. History Indian Head Massage is a treatment that has evolved from traditional Indian practises originally designed to stimulate the head and improve hair growth and condition, thousands of years ago. It is only more recently that it has spread to the West and has been westernised to include shoulders, neck and upper arms; areas that are vulnerable to stress. The Benefits of Indian Head Massage
Stimulates the immune system
For more information contact one of the therapists listed below (Those with CD before their name offer a corporate and club card discount see the corporate page for details) or
to be put in touch with the therapists not currently advertising.
Sara Jane Indian Head Massage, Reiki (Individuals and animals), Metamorphic Technique and Hopi Ear Candling.
See Reflexology
See Naturopathy.
See Hot Stones Massage.
Sara Jane Indian Head Massage Therapist Key Services
- A Case History is taken before the first session to ensure there are no contraindications, if there are, with your permission I will contact your
- You can choose between a relaxing 30 minute session in the comfort of your own home or within the treatment rooms at ROKO Health Club.
- Relax in a chair and drift off to gentle, calming music.
- Time is allowed at the end of the session to come round slowly and have a glass of water.
- If you wish I can enhance your Indian Head Massage by including Reiki Therapy throughout the treatment.
- In addition I am a qualified Reiki Master and Metamorphic Technique Practitioner.
Contact: Sara Barford